Nebuilser Range

Nebuilser Range


Nebuliser therapy is a novel way of delivering medication to the lungs & airways and is used to assist in the treatment of a range of conditions such as COPD, bronchiestasis & cystic fibrosis but how does this device work? And how do you know when a nebuliser may be right for you?

What is a nebuliser?

A nebuliser is a device used to aid the delivery of medicines to the airways by converting liquid medications into a fine mist that can be inhaled by patients.

Drugs delivered in this way are generally used to relieve severe asthma/COPD symptoms such as breathlessness, wheezing & chest tightness, other inhaled medications can be used to thin mucus in the chest or to treat chronic airways infections.

How does a Nebuliser Work?

Most nebulisers use a compressor or ultra-sonic vibrations to transform liquid medicines into a fine particle mist. This mist is then driven by air or oxygen through tubing to a mask or mouthpiece where it can be inhaled directly into the lungs.

The fine particles generated by this process can travel deep into the lungs to deliver the drugs directly to the affected areas with less of the dose being lost to tissues in the mouth and throat.




Benefits of using a Nebuliser

Nebulisers can be used to help deliver medication to the lungs in larger doses than can be achieved by using an inhaler, they can also be helpful for patients who cannot use inhalers effectively and to deliver medications in an emergency.

For patients with thickened mucus & phlegm the nebulising of saline solution can help to loosen chest-tightness & ease breathing.

How to use a Nebuliser

In order to get the best from nebuliser therapy it is important to follow the GP’s instructions on how and when to take your nebulised medication. The following steps are a quick guide on how to use your nebuliser:

  • Wash your hands
  • Connect the hose to compressor (follow manufacturers instructions, some models may have this attached)
  • Add your medication to the nebuliser chamber
  • Attach mouthpiece or mask to the other end of the hose
  • Place the mouthpiece in your mouth or secure the mask to your face and turn the nebuliser on. Keep a tight seal around the mouthpiece to help ensure none of the medication escapes
  • Inhale vapour by breathing through your mouth, try to avoid breathing through your nose ( a nose clip may help!), until all the medication has been inhaled.
  • Turn the machine off
  • Wash mouthpiece/mask & hosing with water and allow to air dry before next treatment (consult manufacturers guidance on cleaning)


Choosing the Right Nebuliser

Medications delivered via a nebuliser are only available through a prescription so it is important to discuss this with your GP or respiratory specialist to decide if home nebuliser therapy is right for you. Nebuliser devices however, are not always available through the NHS and there are some key features to look for when purchasing a nebuliser.

Here at Right Medicine Pharmacy, we stock Medicare V1 Compressor Nebuliser & the Medicare Compressor Nebuliser to offer our customers a choice of nebulisers to suit their needs.

The Medicare V1 Compressor features a high nebulisation rate and fast inhalation time, allowing your medication to be administered over a shorter period. It also comes as a complete kit with both child & adult masks, a mouthpiece, tubing and filters included.

The Medicare Compressor Nebuliser has the above features and a built-in practical storage compartment and handle making this ideal for travel and preventing your therapy from getting in the way of day-to-day life.